“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” – Psalm 56:3-4
As people are preparing for the Christmas season I get asked, “Are you ready for Christmas?” I never quite know how to answer. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds me as it says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”
These scriptures from proverbs have stayed with me from when I first became a Christian at age 16; and they have carried me through the most hopeless times of my life.
I have repeated these verses over and over since two of my children got involved with drugs. Altogether it has been 16 years and both are still not free from addiction. These words of truth from Proverbs have sustained me through anxiety-filled sleepless nights; I have clung to them when I had no hope, no solutions, and when I despaired over my children’s heart-breaking behavior.
I know that God’s word has remained true, His word is trustworthy. God’s word is the anchor of hope for me. It has brought me healing and freedom from despondency even now while my sons are still living dangerous lives. The wisdom that God provides me is not the wisdom of the world. It is truer than the terror that I feel. God’s word unites me with other moms in fellowship as we together seek truth and hope in scripture.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. I can trust in God…I do not need to trust in my own ideas of fixing things. At times I have despaired, I am so thankful for the way the Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts has reminded me again of these truths. I do not need to lean on my own understanding. This is very comforting because I understand so little about why my sons have made these choices; it takes the pressure off of me to fully understand what is happening.
In all my ways acknowledge Him. This verse helps me to let go, as I acknowledge God who is with me always, I can let go of my concerns and trust that God is working. When I acknowledge that God is sovereign over the lives of my children, I see it as an action of prayer. In my prayers I recognize that God is at work.
He will make my paths straight. I see this as a promise. God is ruler over my life and over the lives of those I love. He will untangle the crazy mess, I can trust Him with every outcome.
Am I ready for Christmas? Well, I am never quite ready; and I’m never sure how Christmas will go, but what I do know is that as I trust in the Lord with all my heart during this season, I am ready for Him to give my heart peace.
By Elsemieke Wishart, Hurting Moms Leader – British Columbia, Canada
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