
Let’s face it, a roller coaster is an amusement park ride that none of us want to be on. Especially when it is the roller coaster of emotions that we experience when we are Hurting Moms.

We have talked throughout the month of September about the variety of emotions that we feel and how every one of them has the potential to zap the peace or any sense of normalcy right out from under us.  The roller coaster of emotions can literally paralyze us to where we can’t seem to move forward in our lives, or in any direction for that matter.  Any given day may bring a different emotion and we go to bed at night wondering which one it will be tomorrow.

Up until now our emotions, the roller coaster ride, have been dependent on what our children are doing or not doing.  If they are okay, we are okay.  But, if they have turned their backs on us, or they are addicts, or if their lives aren’t the way we always dreamed they would be, we are definitely not okay.  We never know what is around the corner and we live in a continuous state of fear, anxiety, and many, if not all, of the other negative emotions we have talked about this month.


But, the truth is that we don’t have to live on a perpetual roller coaster.  We can move away from our negative emotions with the gentle and loving help of God.  The very same God who created and loves our kids even more than we do.  The very same God who loves us with every bit of intensity that we feel for our kids.  We are His kids and His desire is that we would get off of the roller coaster.  Just think about how much it must hurt Him to see us suffering the way we do.


God wants to carry our painful emotions for us.  Jesus tells that He will shoulder our heartache so that we can rest.  In Matthew 11:28 -29 He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  I find so much comfort in those words.  I can just picture Jesus lifting me out of that roller coaster seat, all the while loving and comforting me as those negative and painful emotions roll away.  We can’t do it alone, but we can be free of the roller coaster if we will allow Him to help us get off.

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