“To let go is not to try to change or blame another,
I can only change myself”

How long have we been fighting to change our children? And it is a fight, isn’t it? We run ourselves ragged as we try to fix and change our kids. We become emotionally, mentally, and physically sick because we are putting all our time, energy and even finances into trying to change that which we have no ability to change.

When our efforts at changing or fixing our kids fail, we start looking for someone on whom we can place the blame for our pain. We blame the father of our child, we blame the friends of our child, we blame the child himself. Most of all, we blame ourselves. We feel that we have failed as a parent and we become depressed and angry as we isolate from our friends and other family members.

What if we were to put all the energy we are futilely using to try to fix or change our kids into fixing and changing ourselves? What if we are intentional about turning that energy toward seeking a closer relationship with the One who does have the power to change our children. God is also the One who can help us move away from our pain to a place where we can enjoy life again. He can give us the strength to “let go” of our child so that we are not in the way of what He wants to do in their lives as well as in our lives.

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