As Hurting Moms one of the biggest challenges we face is “letting go” of our children.  Even though we know that they are out of our control and we can’t fix them, we keep trying and we end up losing ourselves in the chaos and the pain.  Letting Go actually means to surrender them to the God who created them and loves them even more than we do.

Cathy has used phrases from a poem called Letting Go by an unknown author to write a 15-day blog series in the hope that it will help you with the process of learning to let go.

We hope you enjoy this series!

Day 1 – “Letting Go”

“To let go doesn’t mean we stop caring,It means I can’t do it for someone else.” We talk a lot about letting go or surrendering our kids. But, the reality is that it is not easy, to say the least, for us as moms. We have loved, cared for, and been focused on our...

Day 2 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to cut myself off,It’s the realization that I can’t control another” Being a mom is such huge part of who we are that releasing or letting go of our children seems impossible. Nevertheless, we eventually get to the point where we realize that our...

Day 3 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to enable,But to allow learning from natural consequences” When we make the decision to let go and surrender our teen or adult child, we must be very intentional about stepping back and allowing them to figure things out for themselves. Although it...

Day 4 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is to admit powerlessness,Which means the outcome is not in my hands.” Admitting that we are powerless is the beginning of moving away from our pain. We have tried for a long time to fix and control our child but eventually we recognize and admit that no...

Day 5 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to try to change or blame another,I can only change myself” How long have we been fighting to change our children? And it is a fight, isn’t it? We run ourselves ragged as we try to fix and change our kids. We become emotionally, mentally, and...

Day 6 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to fix,But to be supportive” We run ourselves into the ground by trying to fix our kids. We orchestrate, manipulate, nag, meddle, and stalk, but nothing we do helps. In fact, if anything we push them farther away from us. Think about it and answer...

Day 7 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to judge,But to allow another to be a human being." No matter what behavior on the part of our child is causing our pain, we feel guilt and shame. We look for all the ways in which we have failed as a parent. We go back over the past and spend a...

Day 8 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, But to allow others to affect their own outcomes” How often do we put ourselves right in the middle of our grown kid’s situations without being invited? When we don’t see things going the way we think...

Day 9 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to be protective,It is to permit another to face reality.” We want to protect our children, don’t we? It’s what we do because it is what we have always done. From the time they were little we have been there to shield them from danger and to protect...

Day 10 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to deny,But to accept” As long as we are in denial about the fact that we have no control over our child, we will not be able to let go. It is not that we must accept what they are doing or not doing, but we do need to accept the fact that we are...

Day 11 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, But to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them” Nagging, scolding, and arguing do not motivate our children to communicate with us or to see things the way we see them. We are not going to change or fix them by...

Day 12 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,But to take each day as it comes.” Our greatest desires involve our children living the way we want them to live. When our child is addicted we want more than anything for them to be clean and sober and become...

Day 13 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone,But to try to become what dream I can be.” What does God want for you? How long has it been since you took time to seek His will in your own life? We spend most of our waking hours thinking about and worrying about...

Day 14 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is not to regret the past,But to grow and live for the future.” When we are hurting over the choices and actions of our child we spend a lot of time dwelling on the past, reliving periods of time and events over and over again, looking for all the things we...

Day 15 – “Letting Go”

“To let go is to fear less and love more!” We are afraid all the time. We fear what might happen next with our child. We fear the “dreaded phone call”. We fear that we are going crazy. We fear that we might never see our child or grandchildren again. We fear what...

Have you struggled with "Letting Go"?

A Hurting Moms Breaking Free group will give you tools to help you answer this question as you begin to move away from your hopelessness and pain and learn how to draw closer to God. 

Register for a Breaking Free Group today!

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